The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Wednesday 11 March 2009

The Pen-y-Ghent Trip In Pictures

We got out of the car and the local sheep population got very excited at the prospect of the arrival of breakfast. It was enough to make them forget that they’re supposed to run away from people and instead they ran towards us:


A photo was then taken of our main objective of the day but, not being great photographers, the camera was allowed to do all of the work and it decided that the stone wall in the near-distance was what we were trying to capture, and thus Pen-y-Ghent itself is a bit fuzzy:

P3080023aNot very long later, after being battered by a couple of hail storms and a bit of a breeze, and having made short work of the two steps (much easier than I had expected them to be), we made it to the top:

P3080026a From where we started on our way to Plover Hill:

P3080027a Shortly afterwards the weather closed in a bit. The mistiness persisted until we had just started our descent. There were also a couple of more violent hail storms. During the last one of these, Mick decided that he wanted to get a photo of me, and called me so that I turned to face the hailstones head on. He then complained when I started yelping ‘ouch ouch’ and turned away, just as he clicked the shutter. This was the result:

P3080029a Nothing caused me to reach for the camera for a while (or if I did then the photos are too poor to show here), but just before we reached the Pennine Way we stumbled across Hull Pot and it turned out to be an unexpected highlight of the day:

P3080033aAfter making it down to Horton and after a pint of tea apiece, we set off back in the direction of Pen-y-Ghent, getting a better shot of this side:


Despite the apparent fineness of the weather at this point, it soon turned a bit nasty again and it didn’t clear until we got back to the car, where we enjoyed the picnic we had carried with us, whilst indulging in a bit of people-watching.

In case anyone missed it, the narrative of the outing was here.

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