The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Tuesday 17 November 2009

To Bromfield, And Back Again

With our numbers swelled by one today, by the arrival of Vic’s dad on a day-trip, the nominated outing was to Bromfield. A verily good destination for two reasons: The Clive Restaurant and the Ludlow Food Centre.

As it went, we had spent an unreasonable length of time buying nice local produce in Ludlow Food Centre yesterday so that only left one objective of today’s outing: a nice lunch at Clive’s.

We left Ludlow via Ludford Bridge and took to the riverside to take us to the bridge by the castle:

Bromfield Ludlow Castle Look at that sky! (And the castle is hidden behind the trees somewhere)

Then it was onto field paths (at times very slip-slidey in their muddiness), where I couldn’t help but notice that autumn seems still to be in full swing with the colourful leaves:

Bromfield Autumn Colours Bromfield was reached after a very leisurely stroll, which had created sufficient time since the substantial second breakfast for lunch to be an appealing activity.

The food was absolutely excellent and whilst I couldn’t find fault with my spinach and goat’s cheese filo parcels I did have a little food envy for Vic’s Sea Bass and veg. Still, I won on the pudding with the most enormous apple tart ever seen.

Replete with lunch, I waddled back, but fortunately an easy route had been chosen along tracks and lanes, and just as the light was fading the castle was reached and thus we were nearly back.

Apart from lunch, the highlight of the day was the plethora of mushrooms and toadstools which not only gave the opportunity to test the macro function on the new camera, but also accounted for the majority of the day’s photos (if it wasn’t for the limited connection I would likely post them all, so be thankful for the lack of wifi here!).

Bromfield Shroom

The stat for the day was that 6.25 miles were covered (in surprisingly good weather; there was just a smidge of drizzle in the last ten minutes of the day). It didn’t feel that far, perhaps because a two-hour lunch broke it up into two 3 mile strolls.


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